Provo Utah LDS
Wedding Photographer


Winter Wedding at the Oquirrh Mountain Temple and Joseph Smith Memorial Building || South Jordan, Utah

January 30, 2019





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I'm Tasha - your wedding photographer

Now it’s Sophia’s turn to take over the blog and tell the love story of her first wedding couple since joining the Tasha Rose team. Over to you, Sophia!

Today’s couple is one of the sweetest I have worked with! Wendy & David met on a blind date set up by a mutual friend. It’s so fun when that happens! They went out for Indian food, which is always a little risky. Both Wendy & David work in downtown Salt Lake City on Temple Square just one building apart from each other. David proposed on a bench right outside the window of Wendy’s office. They had somehow never sat on that particular bench before, and David suggested somewhere new for a big surprise. He popped the question right then and there, and I’m sure these two now have a new favorite lunch spot!

The day of their wedding dawned bright and FREEZING! Despite the fact that it was under 30 degrees, everyone was still so excited and upbeat. It was so fun to see Wendy & David tie the knot at the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. Their luncheon followed at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. This venue will forever be one of my favorites. It’s so classic and lovely!

Wendy was such a beautiful bride! She had a gaggle of little flower girls vying for the chance to help carry her train all day long. These two are definitely surrounded by so much love and support! Wendy & David, I can’t tell you how honored I am to have been a part of the beginning of your happily ever after! I wish you an eternity of happiness!

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