Meet Hannah and Taylor Barclay, the sweetest couple I’ve ever met! I sincerely mean that, when I shot their bridal session last year I was going through a really tough break-up. Hannah called me a week after they got married to invite me out to lunch and just be there for me. I had only met her once and it meant the world to me. I was so touched and it’s something I will NEVER forget!
About a week ago, I had the fun idea of shooting a couple’s session on The Exchange roof top that overlooks Utah and the Barclay’s were kind enough to be my models. I couldn’t have found a more attractive or sweet couple; I mean look at that gorgeous head of red hair (I might be a little bias towards red heads)! Hannah’s mom is also a photographer, so they were expert posers. Hannah and Taylor are so cute and so in love! Meeting and getting to work with couples like the Barclay’s, is what makes my job so rewarding!
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