Meet TJ and Rachel, the sweetest high school sweethearts! When TJ meet his beautiful bride, he kept a note card filled with all of the reasons he adored her. Rachel accidentally stumbled upon it one day, embarrassed, TJ grabbed it and ripped it up. After Rachel left that day, he picked up the pieces and taped it back together and eventually let her read it.
On the day of the proposal, they headed to the Payson temple for a Come Follow me lesson. Unfortunately, the temple was closed, and Rachel suggested going elsewhere. Throwing off his plan, he insisted they stay there. When TJ got down on one knee, he pulled out a note card that read, “Will you marry me?”.
After high school TJ served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and then came home and did summer sales. They’ve been in a long-distance relationship too long and decided it’s time to finally tie the knot. You can definitely feel the undeniable love between these two and I can’t wait for their wedding day. Congratulations to the future Fowler’s!
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