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How to Use Pinterest to Plan Your Wedding || Utah Wedding Photographer

February 22, 2019

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I'm Tasha - your wedding photographer

Chances are if you’re in the process of planning your wedding, you’ve thought about using or are already using Pinterest to gather ideas and inspiration. It’s such an awesome resource for brides and grooms-to-be with the collective creativity of the internet at your fingertips! Today I’m going to give you some tips for some of the best ways to use Pinterest to help plan your wedding.

1. Search the boards of wedding industry professionals

More than likely, your photographer, florist, and wedding venue are using Pinterest! Search their boards to see what inspiration they have and can provide for you. You can even search through the boards of your friends who have been married to see what they pinned for their own wedding days.

2. Search for boards instead of Pins

If you search for example, “bridesmaid dresses” under pins you will get a huge variety of dresses. If you search under boards instead, you can find boards full of other people’s inspiration for a specific style of bridesmaid dress. In the right corner of the search bar you can change your search from pins, to If you find a board of what you are looking for, it will give you dozens, sometimes even hundreds of ideas. As a bonus, someone else has already done the work for you!


3. Create Multiple Boards

If you have started a wedding board, you are probably aware of how large your board is getting. Keep your pins organized by creating multiple boards. Categories such as “Dream Dress,” “Ring Inspiration,” and “Flowers for the big day” will help you find new ideas. You can also share your inspiration boards with each vendor. Sharing your board of flowers you love with your florist can help them create the perfect bouquet for you. Your vendors can even add their own inspiration to help you find something you’d like.

4. Use descriptive words to get better search results

Type “wedding” into the search bar and you are going to get thousands of wedding related pins. However, the chances of them relating to what you are actually looking for is small. For example, if you are searching for local wedding inspiration pins, try typing “Salt Lake City LDS Wedding.” Or if you are looking for inspiration specific to your wedding venue, try including the name of the venue in your search. Did you know you can search hashtags? You will get different results, for example, with “LDS wedding” versus “#ldswedding.”

5. Click on the image for more inspiration

Most pins are linked to a website or blog with more photos of that particular wedding or shoot. More than likely if you love the style or idea presented in the photo, there will be more inspiration waiting for you by clicking through. It’s even easy to pin directly from the website for more inspiration. Also, if you end up on a photographer’s blog, chances are if you scroll down to the bottom you can find all of the vendors used to make the magic happen!

6. Download the Pinterest Button

Did you know you can pin just about any image? If you are reading a blog, shopping on Amazon, google searching, or even on Instagram, most images anywhere on the web are pinnable! If you install the Pinterest button to your browser, you can start pinning what you want to buy for your wedding, and inspiration from all over! See the instructions here.

Happy Pinning!

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I'm Tasha - your wedding photographer

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