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Wedding Photographer


Why You Want a First Look || Utah Wedding Photographer

April 19, 2019

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I'm Tasha - your wedding photographer

Since this is 2019, almost everyone who knows anything at all about wedding photography has probably come across the concept of a “First Look.” It’s definitely not a new trend by any means. But, just in case your grandma is reading this, I’ll explain. A First Look is a moment before the wedding ceremony when a couple sees each other all dressed up in their wedding attire. It is a private moment for the two of them to share together, away from the eyes of family and friends. If you’re planning your own wedding, you may be trying to decide if a First Look is right for you. It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of them! I encourage all of my couples to have one, and here’s why…

  • A First Look allows you and your groom to really ENJOY this moment together! When you look into his eyes, your stress and worries disappear, and everything starts to seem real.
  • It helps calm the groom’s nerves. Thanks to the movie “27 Dresses” and probably even before that, everyone watching the ceremony knows that the best place to look as the bride walks down the aisle is at the groom’s face. The love he shows there is magical. However, that’s also a lot of pressure on the poor guy! Especially if your First Look is just before the wedding ceremony, spending some time alone with you beforehand can really help calm any of his wedding day jitters.
  • You’ll have much more time for portraits. Right after the First Look, your photographer will immediately begin taking bride and groom portraits. Couples who choose this option have SO many more portraits of the two of them to love! Also, typically hair and makeup are still intact before any ceremony tears interfere.
  • If your wedding day timeline is tight, a First Look is a must. Then after the ceremony, the bride and groom can be free to rush off to celebrate with family and friends instead of spending a lot of extra time capturing portraits. They’re already done!
  • Seeing each other before the ceremony is no longer bad luck. Your mom may protest, but it’s ok to gently remind her that the idea originated when arranged marriages were more common. The bride and groom were kept apart so no one could back out based on the beauty (or lack thereof) of their betrothed. You’ve already found the love of your life. I’d say you’re pretty darn lucky!

I hope all of you brides-to-be found this list helpful. Reach out to your photographer with any questions. We’re happy to go over the First Look process with you in detail.

Now, enjoy Kenzee and Matt’s adorable First Look at the Utah State Capitol Building! You can read more about this lovely couple and see photos from their wedding day at the Salt Lake Temple and Noah’s Event Venue here!


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I'm Tasha - your wedding photographer

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