I am so blessed to work with the most amazing, fun and kind couples on the planet! Today’s couple was no exception. They are some of my favorite people ever, and their engagement session was SO much fun! The two of them even brought me gluten-free chocolates! They know the way to my heart.
Ashlee & Brock met playing church volleyball in Salt Lake City. Although they were in different wards, they would often stay late to play just a little bit longer. They had great chemistry on the court and would somehow always end up playing next to each other. She was born in Dallas, Texas but grew up in Ohio. He was born in Utah but grew up in Dallas! The two of them joke that together they make a whole Texan.
Ashlee first noticed Brock because of his crazy volleyball socks! Her favorite pair were his dinosaur taco socks. She tried to keep up by showing off her most unique pair of socks with snow cones on them. The first time he asked her out, she was so taken aback that she dropped a volleyball all the way down a long staircase.
Brock proposed on a Sunday stroll through Snow Canyon in Southern Utah. Ashlee suspected what was coming because Brock is not great at keeping secrets. What really tipped her off was the fact that he was wearing nice pants which was very unusual for her casual guy. Once she spotted the ring box in his pocket, the anticipation was at an all-time high! In the end, he did surprise her by waiting until their hike was almost finished to pop the question.
Congratulations, Ashlee & Brock! I loved getting to know the two you. I can’t wait for your wedding in August!
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