Epic engagement session at Tibble Fork Reservoir. This cute couple ended up jumping into the reservoir at the end of their session.
This engagement session was EPIC and unlike any other! We did this session at Tibble Fork Reservoir while the fall colors are still blooming. This cute couple had originally planned to bring a kayak for pictures, but decided last minute that was too much work. Instead, they planned on jumping in the reservoir at the end of their session. I thought for sure once they felt how cold it was, they surely back out. No, these two took this engagement session to the next level of epic-ness and it was a blast! Everyone at reservoir joined in on the fun. Someone let us borrow their kayak so I could go out and take photos and another person recorded it. Sadly they jumped in at different times, but it was still super fun and memorable (and very cold)!
Meet Samantha and Jenner, the future Berryhill’s. Their friendship began in a very romantic place…. on the volleyball court. Ward volleyball brought them together and cookies of course. When at school at BYU in the Fall Samantha would bring treats over to Jenner’s apartment and hangout. Jenner’s roommates thought they would be the perfect match and brought it up to Samantha. Samantha doesn’t back down from bets. So she told Jenner she thought they should go on a date. This is where the story takes a turn…
Jenner told her “no, I don’t think so”. He knew he made a big mistake by the next morning and they got together for lunch later that week. You know, for security to show that they could still be “just friends”. We all know how that goes… at lunch Jenner apologized to Samantha. Jenner ended up asking Samantha out on a date. She definitely had to think it over, but agreed to go. They discovered they were both alike in the things that mattered most and everything fell into places from there.
I’m a total heartthrob for proposal stories. My future husband has A LOT to live up too! Their proposal was a big surprise to Samantha, she didn’t even know he had the ring yet. Jenner painted her nails that day and then they went to dinner. When they came out of the restaurant their car was gone and had been replaced by a member of the bishoprics convertible. They drove it up the canyon where he proposed. These two are SO much fun and so cute together. I’m extremely blessed with the best couples. I’m so excited for their wedding day coming up in December.
I would LOVE to photograph your engagement session! Please contact me to book your session, spots fill up fast. To view more of my work, follow me on Instagram.
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