Provo Utah LDS
Wedding Photographer


Thanksgiving Point Bridal Session | The Wrights

February 10, 2021





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I'm Tasha - your wedding photographer

Beautiful bridal session at Ashton Garden at Thanksgiving Point. Created some bridal session MAGIC with these cute newlyweds. 

Remember this cute couple from Santa Barbara? Their officially married, congrats to the Wright’s! They were supposed to get married back in April, but Covid19 ruined their plans. This awesome couple has rolled with all the punches and every roadblock that got in their way. They were able to be civilly married surrounded by their closest family and friends. They planned on having a reception and celebrating in August.

Utah won’t let you get sealed here unless you’re a permanent resident and they’re living in California. All the temples in California are closed. So, they ended up canceling their reception. We still celebrated their marriage by doing this gorgeous bridal session. We did this session at Ashton Gardens at Thanksgiving Point. Everything was working against this poor couple, we happened to go on a $2 Tuesday (apparently that’s only an August thing, I had no idea) and there were ALOT of people there. It was also overcast and windy. We had a second location in mind, but there happened to be a wedding there that same night. Kaylyn and Dylan remained upbeat up the whole time, I don’t know how they did it.

We were able to create some magical photos that they’ll cherish forever. Kaylyn and I go way back, I remember talking with her about how being singled sucks and dating is awkward and horrible. All the sudden Kaylyn was asking me about wedding photography. I’m so happy that Kaylyn found her forever best friend. I couldn’t have picked out a better guy myself. Kaylyn and Dylan if you’re reading this…I wouldn’t mind if you flew your favorite photographer out to Santa Barbara again (kidding, not kidding). Congratulations you guys!

Bridal Session at Thanksgiving Point Bridal Session Thanksgiving Point Bridal Session Thanksgiving Point Bridal Session Thanksgiving Point Bride & Groom at outdoor bridal sessionBride & Groom at outdoor bridal sessionBridal Session Thanksgiving Point Bride & Groom at outdoor bridal sessionBride & Groom at outdoor bridal sessionBride & Groom at outdoor bridal sessionBride & Groom at outdoor bridal sessionBride & Groom at outdoor bridal sessionBride & Groom at outdoor bridal sessionBride & Groom at outdoor bridal sessionBride & Groom at outdoor bridal sessionBride & Groom at outdoor bridal sessionBridal session at Thanksgiving PointBridal session at Thanksgiving PointBridal session at Thanksgiving PointBridal session at Thanksgiving PointBridal session at Thanksgiving PointBridal session at Thanksgiving PointBride & Groom at outdoor bridal sessionBridal session at Thanksgiving PointBridal session at Thanksgiving PointBridal session at Thanksgiving PointBridal session at Thanksgiving PointBridal session at Thanksgiving PointBridal session at Thanksgiving PointBridal session at Thanksgiving PointBridal session at Thanksgiving PointBridal session at Thanksgiving PointBridal session at Thanksgiving PointBridal session at Thanksgiving PointBridal session at Thanksgiving PointBridal session at Thanksgiving PointBridal session at Thanksgiving PointBridal session at Thanksgiving PointBridal session at Thanksgiving PointI would LOVE to photograph your wedding! Please contact me to book your wedding, spots fill up fast. To view more of my work, follow me on Instagram.

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I'm Tasha - your wedding photographer

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