Provo Utah LDS
Wedding Photographer


Spring Engagement Photos At The Utah State Capitol | The Hodsons

April 23, 2021





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I'm Tasha - your wedding photographer

Ready for another round of engagement photos at the Utah State Capitol? Since it’s such a perfect photo backdrop, we can’t help booking all of these spring photo sessions there! And of course we want to share them all with you. Wanting to have your own photo session with the blossoms at the Utah State Capitol? Here’s all you need to know about them!

Kaedee and Adam have a modern love story that started online. Their first date (at Cornbelly’s) went really well and they have been inseparable ever since! Kaedee feels that dating throughout this year of covid has really given them the opportunity to get to know each other more quickly than they could have during more “normal” times since there hasn’t been a ton going on. They have become best friends and love spending time together! It doesn’t matter what they are doing, just as long as they are together. Kaedee and Adam have the same primary love languages (which works out very nicely). They love getting food together, watching the Bachelor and Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist, walking around Ikea, or just hanging out outside in beautiful weather.

Their proposal story is absolutely adorable. Kaedee teaches kindergarten and Adam wanted to surprise her at school! So, he contacted the principal and the other kindergarten team members and arranged a really cute surprise proposal after school! Kaedee was in a fake meeting, and one of her coworkers said she wanted to go look at something in my classroom. She walked with the other teacher to the room and there waiting for her were rose petals, candles, and Adam with the ring!

Kaedee told us, ” I thought I would date my future husband for at least a year before knowing if I wanted to marry him or not. With Adam, it has been a lot faster, but truly feels right! He is the sweetest guy I have ever met and I am so grateful to have him in my life!” These lovebirds will be getting married in June. We love how their engagement photos at the Utah State Capitol turned out and we are so excited for them to start their life together!

We would LOVE to photograph your wedding! Please contact Tasha to book your session—spots fill up fast. To view more of our work, follow us on Instagram.

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