I love the story of today’s engagement session couple! It was no coincidence that these two found each other. Abbie-Kate & Conner grew up in the same neighborhood. They actually spent their childhoods just three minutes apart from one another! Somehow they never met until they both joined a dating app called “Mutual.”
Looking back now, the two have discovered just how many times they were meant to meet and didn’t! They found photos as little kids at a neighborhood Easter egg hunt that they both attended. They were on their stake Pioneer Trek together. Conner recalls glimpsing Abbie-Kate and thinking how cute she was when visiting the temple just three days after she got home from serving an LDS mission. When they finally decided to try out Mutual, Conner recognized Abbie-Kate right away. He definitely and immediately swiped up!
Once they began dating, Abbie-Kate & Conner realized they had signed up for the same college class to start the next semester! These two were so obviously meant to be together, to say the least!
For their engagement session, we went on an adventure up Big Cottonwood Canyon to Storm Mountain and Jordan Pines. As I was editing their photos, my roommate commented on how incredibly happy and in love the two of them seem together. The way Conner looks at Abbie-Kate can only be described as true love.
You’ll be seeing more of these two very soon. I am so excited for their wedding in November at the Draper LDS Temple!
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