Provo Utah LDS
Wedding Photographer


Meet Our Associate Wedding Photographer | AMELIA

March 5, 2021





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I'm Tasha - your wedding photographer

Ready to meet one of the fabulous associates on Tasha Rose’s team? Amelia has a deep love for chocolate and a vast repertoire of quotes from The Office. She grew up in Wisconsin but is currently living in Lake Point, Utah with her husband, their baby boy, and their adorable puppy. Amelia has been working as an associate of Tasha Rose Photography since September 2020 and specializes in photographing couples. Her goal in life is to give and receive as many positive words of affirmation as possible (it’s her love language)!

How did you first get into photography?

It all started back in the the Fall of 2017, when I wanted to take cute pictures of my husband and I up in Logan canyon. I made him dress up, and we used a roll of duct tape as a tripod for my phone to take photos with the self timer. The next day we went with some friends and took turns taking photos on our cell phones for each other. And that’s when I realized I loved taking photos of people! So I got a camera for Christmas and started doing free sessions for anyone and everyone that would let me!

What is your favorite thing to photograph?

Engagement photos! I love getting to know couples before their wedding day. Scheduling an engagement session not only gives you beautiful photos to use for your wedding announcement, but it also helps us get to know each other. That way, on your wedding day, I’m a friend showing up to take your photos rather than a stranger you’ve never met before! I love becoming friends with the couples I serve, and engagement sessions are a great way to start that! And I love having multiple outfits at a session to give lots of variety. For your bridals and your wedding day, you’ll be wearing the same stunning dress the entire time, so engagement sessions are a great way to get a wide variety of amazing professional photos, and showcase some different outfits and locations that really help tell the story of your love.

Where is your favorite place to take photos?

I really love greenhouses! Especially in the cold months because no one’s fingers have to freeze and there are pretty flowers EVERYWHERE. I also love exploring new locations! Utah has such a wide variety of scenery from mountains, to red rocks, to the Salt Flats, to beautiful meadows and parks! Utah is THE BEST place for photography, in my opinion.

What is your favorite part of a wedding?

 I love taking portraits of the bride and groom at the temple after all of the other family members have left. There’s something so special about capturing that newlywed bliss before the craziness of luncheons and receptions! I think it helps the wedding day feel less hectic when the bride and groom have a few minutes to get some candid shots taken around the temple where they just got MARRIED. Those are my favorite pictures from my own wedding, and one of my favorite parts of our day too!

Do you have any advice for couples or families before their photo session?

Relax, and let me worry about the tricky stuff! I’ll be there to pose you, and tell you exactly what to do to get those beautiful, romantic, candid-looking images you see on our website and Instagram. My goal is always to make sure it’s as stress free as possible, and everybody has a good time! I also love giving input on outfits and helping you look your best for your session! Please don’t hesitate to text me pictures of all the outfit ideas you have, and I will be glad to help out! It’s not annoying at all! For engagement sessions, I recommend wearing two different styles for your photos: a more fancy formal look (think dress/skirt for her, and a nice button up for him), and a more casual look that really showcases your style and relationship.

What are 10 of your favorite things?

TV Show: The Office.
Dessert: All things chocolate.
Movie: Pride and Prejudice (Kiera Knightley version).
Human: My husband.
Celebrity Crush: Christ Pratt.
Fast Food: Wendy’s 4-for-4 (I’m obsessed haha).
Ice Cream: Cold Stone’s chocolate cake batter with fudge and brownie pieces mixed in.
Singer: James Arthur. Have you heard “Let Me Love The Lonely”? Absolutely amazing.
Author: Jane Austen. Enough said.

Fictional Relationship: Jim and Pam.

What are your 3 favorite pictures you’ve taken?

To see more of Amelia’s work, check out these blog posts!

Learn more about working with an associate photographer here or if you’re ready to contact us with more questions or book your session contact us here!

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I'm Tasha - your wedding photographer

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