Provo Utah LDS
Wedding Photographer


Meet Our Associate Wedding Photographer | MEG

April 7, 2021





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I'm Tasha - your wedding photographer

Ready to meet another one of the fabulous associates on Tasha’s team? Meg was born and raised in Holladay, Utah with her parents and 4 siblings as her best friends! She got to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Atlanta, Georgia where she learned that Georgia grown, hand-picked peaches are superior to all other fruit and that she LOVES people! She loved people before her mission but it took those 18 months to figure out how much she could love just being around them. So yes, she’s definitely an extrovert!

Currently, Meg is living her best life in Provo with her favorite person and husband, Jacob. They got married in August 2020 and love the fact that thanks to online school, they can sit next to each other in every class while going to two different universities. She is at Utah Valley University studying Graphic Design, and loving it all! When Meg isn’t at a photo shoot, you can find her with family and friends, working as a nanny for her favorite kiddos, creating art, eating cookies, or taking a nap under the sun! Her goal in life is to live every moment to the fullest with a grateful and happy attitude.

How did you first get into photography?

I was born into a photo-loving family! My mom taught me how amazing photos are and how treasured they will become! I got my first point-and-shoot camera in elementary school and took pictures of anything and everything. In junior high and high school, I took every photography class that was offered. I got my first DSLR camera when I turned 16 and never put it down! It came with me on hikes, vacations, and even to school. If for some reason I didn’t have my camera, I would have my phone out documenting my entire day! The older I got, the more opportunities I had to actually pick up little photo jobs here and there. Since being home from my mission, I’ve come to the realization that photography isn’t just a random hobby, it’s a huge part of my life. It’s what makes me, me!

What’s your favorite thing to photograph?

My favorite thing to photograph is people—without question! But to narrow it down a little more, my favorite people to photograph would have to be couples! I love having the opportunity to get to know amazing couples and hear about their love stories. There is something so magical about being able to capture real-life love in a photo! I love looking back to a gallery of images from a session and seeing the genuine smiles and raw emotion shine through! It’s the happiest thing!

Where is your favorite place to take photos?

How can I choose? I have way too many favorite places to take photos—from mountains, to lakes, from city rooftops to indoor studio shoots! One that I could not live without would have to be photo sessions on temple grounds! Temples have always been such an important place to me! The significance of temples, the gorgeous architecture, and stunning landscaping create for the most beautiful photos! I also love that there are so many different ones all around the world! They have the same importance, yet each is special and unique.

What is your favorite part of a wedding?

My favorite part of a wedding is the first dance! You can find me tearing up during the first dance of every wedding I go to, whether I know the couple or not! Seeing the way that the bride and groom look at each other and dance around, oblivious to everyone else is always a pretty amazing moment! It gives the bride and groom a few minutes to focus on each other and to soak in the reality of the huge event that just tied their lives together! Seriously SO AMAZING!

Do you have any advice for couples or families before their photos session?

My advice would be to just relax and don’t be afraid to be yourself! I would also say that if you have any preferences or photo ideas, don’t be afraid to tell your photographer! We are there to serve you and help to Capture moments that mean the most to you!

What are 10 of your favorite things?

1. My cute hubby! 🙂
2. The beach and naps in the sun.
3. Photos and journaling.
4. Anything well designed and/or organized.
5. Being around people, especially family and friends.
6. Jamming out to my favorite music.
7. Pebble ice. Maverick’s is the best.
8. The hundreds of inside jokes I have with my family.
9. Dancing in the kitchen.
10. Freshly-picked flowers.
Learn more about working with an associate photographer here or if you’re ready to contact us with more questions or book your session contact us here!

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I'm Tasha - your wedding photographer

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