Provo Utah LDS
Wedding Photographer


Maternity And Utah Graduation Photoshoot | The Bergstroms

April 27, 2021





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I'm Tasha - your wedding photographer

As professional Utah photographers, we love taking pictures of special moments! But we know it can be hard to hire a photographer for every single significant event in your life. So how about combining multiple memories into one photo session? That’s what we love about this maternity photo session that doubled as a Utah graduation photoshoot!

Jessa Bergstrom is a florist here in Utah! She and Tasha met at a photoshoot a few years ago and have been good friends ever since. Jessa is Tasha’s go-to florist for everything! In fact, we even featured Jessa in this blog post about the things you should consider when selecting a florist. She and her husband may also look familiar because Tasha took their photos at the Utah Salt Flats, which turned out to be one of our favorite photo sessions there EVER!

Sadly for us (exciting for them), Jess just graduated from BYU, so she and Morgan will be moving to Denver, Colorado soon for his graduate school at the University of Denver. This is actually where Tasha is from, so she was able to give them some great recommendations (ever been to Bonnie Brae Ice Cream?). We will definitely miss Jess and her amazing talents! But we are so excited for their growing family and all that is ahead! Doing this maternity and Utah graduation photoshoot right before they move was extra special.

We would LOVE to photograph the special moments in your life that you never want to forget! Please contact Tasha to book your session—spots fill up fast. To view more of our work, follow us on Instagram.

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I'm Tasha - your wedding photographer

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