I chose to invest in myself
I am often asked by fellow creatives, “How did you get where you are today?” Obviously there are dozens of decisions and hours of hard work that have created my business but if I had to narrow it down to one exact moment, it was the day that I finally decided to invest in myself. It’s funny how I will invest $50,000+ dollars on a college education to become a Nurse but spending a few thousand dollars a year learning from fellow creatives to build up myself and my business just seemed “unreasonable.” Finally one day, I got smart and decided I was going to set aside $2,000 a year solely on growing my business. This meant styled shoots, workshops, various technology, membership fees, etc. Now $2,000 sounded like a lot until I hit January 14th with a list that already exceeded my budget.
As soon as I heard about The Spectrum Workshop I knew I HAD to attend! There are dozens of styled shoots all over Salt Lake and wedding workshops but the Spectrum Workshop was one of a kind original content I knew I wouldn’t find anywhere else. The class was taught by Cindy from Clarity Lane Photography & – Makenzie Kessler from Kessler Photo & Film who have two completely different styles of photography.
Put my work side by side Cindy’s and I couldn’t even tell you who took the picture – she is my identical photography twin. Her passion is seriously contagious and you can’t help but want to jump for joy while around Cindy. She can take anything and anyone and bring out their true beauty and all while making you feel like a million bucks! I constantly learn so much from Cindy and look up to her on a serious Instagram stalking level. Who wouldn’t want to learn from her but oh wait I haven’t even told you about Kenzie yet.
Kenzie is all about the passion of a pose and getting so close and personal with your couples they can’t help but laugh and show you their true selves. Her style is polar opposite of mine – full of dark moody goodness but the best way to learn is to truly take yourself out of your comfort zone and try new things you never would have otherwise. Not only did I learn so much from Kenzie by looking through a different lens I realized that I really am proud of my style and who I am as a photographer and that it is okay to be different from everyone else – after all there is only one Tasha Rose.
Put these two together, and you will come away with the light bulb on and juices flowing with a brand new perspective to ignite your business into everything you want it to be. So what are you waiting for? Start investing in YOU!
If you want to learn more about The Spectrum Workshop and find out for yourself be sure to check out their website https://www.spectrumworkshops.com and upcoming workshop!
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