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Wedding Photographer


How to Prepare Your Groom For Your Engagement Session || Utah Engagement Photographer

November 1, 2018

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I'm Tasha - your wedding photographer

Today’s post is all about how to make your engagement session enjoyable for your groom-to-be. Most men aren’t overly eager to take pictures for an hour or two. In my experience, the main reason for this is because they simply don’t know what to expect. They don’t have an understanding of what is to come and why this is so important to you. Now, you know you groom better than anyone, so only you know how to best prepare him for this shoot. Here are some of my recommendations for you to make this session go as smoothly as possible.

1. Educate and empower him.

Take 15 minutes to educate and empower your guy. Tell him why you chose me and my style of photography to capture your love story. Explain to him how much this means to you. Your marriage will last a lifetime, but you only get to be engaged for a short period of time.

2. Show him an example.

Your fiance is likely not familiar with this style of photography. He may be expecting to just show up and smile for the camera a few times. He probably won’t be used to posing or cuddling on camera. Show him an example of your favorite session that I’ve photographed, and explain to him why you love it.

3. Let him know that you’ve hired a professional.

The most common concern I hear from guys before engagement sessions is this: Because of a bad experience in the past, they don’t like taking photos or aren’t confident they will be good at it. However, by the time I’m done, they can’t believe how fast it went by and just how much fun they had!

4. Bring snacks!

Obviously your husband-to-be is not a small child, but we all know that being “hangry” is a real thing. Especially when it comes to guys. It goes without saying that you should make sure that you and your fiance have eaten before your session, but it also wouldn’t hurt to bring along some snacks and drinks to make sure that hunger does not show up in your photos.

5. Make a date night out of it.

My final tip is to plan a fun date night after your engagement session! The two of you will already be dressed up and it will give your groom something to look forward to. Trust me, he will light up in front of the camera for you!




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I'm Tasha - your wedding photographer

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