As with almost any profession it is always important to keep learning and make improvements and grow from others in your profession. Photography is no different, in fact learning from others and meeting new people is probably my absolute favorite part about my “job” I am a part of an online photography course and group taught by the wonderful Amy & Jordan Demos (um can I just say, DREAM TEAM!!) This course and group has helped me grow beyond measure! I however, never imagined I would have the wonderful pleasure of meeting and working with this BEAUTIFUL couple through the course!!!
Alyssa messaged me a few weeks back and said she had found me in the photography group and that she loved how much of the course I had implemented into my style and work. (Can I just say, this is probably one of the sweetest complements I have ever received!!) We scheduled a date and last week our session turned into one of the photography greatest adventures!
Alyssa and Jason live in Loveland, Colorado and made a 2 hour drive to meet me at the gorgeous Roxborough State Park. From the moment they pulled up, I knew I was about to have the greatest photoshoot of all time! Alyssa was dressed like a goddess in a beautiful pink gown with flawless hair and makeup not to mention her handsome husband with darling suspenders! I was in for a treat!! Not to mention this shoot was to celebrate their 10 Year Wedding Anniversary!
Our session began and just as we were getting into the flow of things a lovely Park Ranger ruined all of the fun. Long story short, he wasn’t a very nice man and kicked us out. Apparently you need a special permit to take “professional” photos. I guess I should take it as a complement that he thought I was a professional haha
In full panic (okay I was panicking, they were awesome) we left this beautiful park with no back up location since none of us were from around the area… after having this couple drive two hours and pay for makeup and hair and show up looking flawless no way was I going to let this session be a waste!
We decided to pull off at a random river and to my great surprise we found the perfect little spot! This couple AMAZED me with their willingness to literally try anything! The way they interacted with one another made it so evident they are still even after 10 years head over heels in love! (Just the way it should be!)
Just when I thought the night couldn’t get any crazier, Jason suggested we all get in the river and take pictures there. After laughing for a moment I realized he was serious… and his sweet wife Alyssa (who is dressed in a beautiful gown) just says “sure, if you want to!” So… that is exactly what we did and it was so worth the soaking wet pants and shoes!!!
This session taught me so much about just going with the flow and making any situation that comes your way the best possible.
Alyssa and Jason THANK YOU truly for letting me capture your love for one another and taking me along on an adventure for the books!
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