Provo Utah LDS
Wedding Photographer


Engagement Photos At The Utah State Capitol | The Gomezes

April 15, 2021





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I'm Tasha - your wedding photographer

The cherry blossoms that bloom every year at the Utah State Capitol are so gorgeous! Of course they make the most stunning backdrop for any bridals, engagements, or even family photos at the Utah State Capitol. Wanting to have your own photo session here? The cherry blossoms only last for about one week every year. Here’s all you need to know about them!

The soon-to-be Mrs. Anna and Mr. Carlos Gomez met at BYU-Idaho during the Fall 2020 semester. They were in the same FHE group, and Anna was impressed by how nice Carlos always was to everyone. Both of their apartments ended up getting Covid-19, and maybe you can guess what happens next. They all bonded while being sick and quarantined! After that, Carols and Anna’s love story unfolded as they talked, went on hikes, and worked together. They quickly became best friends and found there was no one else they would rather spend time with. They got engaged and will be getting married in the Jordan River Temple in August 2021!

Anna has always wanted her engagement photos to be with cherry blossoms! How serendipitous that the week of their engagement photos happened to be the same week the blossoms were in full bloom? Tasha took the most beautiful bridals for Anna’s sister, so when Anna was looking for a photographer, she knew Tasha would do an incredible job! Thankfully, Anna and Carlos are morning people so they were up for a sunrise photoshoot. Their engagement photos at the Utah State Capitol turned out beautifully! We are so excited for these two to get married and to start their life together!

We would LOVE to photograph your wedding! Please contact Tasha to book your session—spots fill up fast. To view more of our work, follow us on Instagram.

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