Provo Utah LDS
Wedding Photographer


Dreamy Engagement Photos At Squaw Peak | The Barbers

July 19, 2021





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I'm Tasha - your wedding photographer

Maybe you’ve noticed how much we are loving Utah’s mountains this year? It’s so easy to find the perfect backdrop for any kind of photoshoot! Check out these absolutely beautiful engagement photos at Squaw Peak taken by one of Tasha’s talented associates, Meg.

Cayman and Kenna met in Logan while both students at Utah State. Their story started with a match on Mutual! This was followed by the first date a few weeks later to get frozen yogurt and skip rocks at Second Dam in the canyon. When Cayman was dropping Kenna off, they sat and talked in the car for an hour before deciding to go ax throwing as well. Kenna was amazed by how well they got along and how much fun they had together!

But, according to Kenna, their first kiss did not go quite as smoothly. “He kissed me after our 5th date on Halloween and it was actually kind of cringe-y. I remember telling my mom that I liked being around him, but didn’t think anything would happen long term.” In fact, Kenna was still thinking about serving a mission, until one fateful night when they watched the movie Crazy Rich Asians at her apartment. They talked until 4 am and Kenna said that was when they really fell in love with each other. In February, Cayman told Kenna he wanted to marry her. And in April, he proposed at the spot where they went for their first date!

Cayman and Kenna’s favorite thing to do together is watch movies and then just cuddle and talk for hours. They also love good food, going on drives while belting Disney songs, watching the sunset, and doing anything outdoors. Kenna said, “I love how we can always have fun together, feel totally comfortable around each other, and how much stronger we are with each other than on our own.” Now that is couple goals. Congrats to the Barbers!!! Thank you for having us take these stunning engagement photos at Squaw Peak! We are so happy for you!

We would LOVE to photograph your wedding! Please contact Tasha to book your session—spots fill up fast. To view more of our work, follow us on Instagram.

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