Provo Utah LDS
Wedding Photographer


Bountiful Pond Couples Photoshoot | The Andrus’s

June 23, 2020





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I'm Tasha - your wedding photographer

Magical Bountiful couples photoshoot taken at the Bountiful pond and the most perfect photoshoot outfit inspiration.

Meet the Andrus’s, the cutest newlyweds on the block. This perfect couples photoshoot was taken at the pond in Bountiful, Utah. The evening light and these outfits made it the perfect night. Lexi and Roman were married a few months ago in the California bay area. Do you think Roman should change his name to “Jonas”? For some reason, Roman looks more like a Jonas to me and I kept calling him “Jonas” the whole night.

Lexi and Roman will say it all started back in 1995, they even have a picture of them as babies to prove it. They grew up in the same area as kids and were later reconnected at BYU. These two bring the saying, “good things take time” to life and they both deserve an award for the best dressed couple! I couldn’t have picked out better outfits myself. Roman was so happy to spin or twirl Lexi the whole evening to get that perfect shot, and he was definitely successful.

To sum up this couples session, I’ve been scrolling through the pictures ever since that gorgeous evening. Everything was perfect, except for Romans name of course. The evening sunshine falling through the trees were magical. If you’re looking for the perfect photoshoot location, look no further, Bountiful pond is the place. Thank you Andrus’s for helping me create this magic!

Bountiful pond couples session, twirling yellow dress and blue high heels, Pinstripe jacket and suit pants, Photography by Tasha Rose, Utah couples photographerBountiful pond couples session, twirling yellow dress and blue high heels, Pinstripe jacket and suit pants, Photography by Tasha Rose, Utah couples photographerBountiful pond couples session, twirling yellow dress and blue high heels, Pinstripe jacket and suit pants, Photography by Tasha Rose, Utah couples photographerBountiful pond couples session, flowing yellow dress and blue high heels, Pinstripe jacket and suit pants, Photography by Tasha Rose, Utah couples photographerBountiful pond couples session, flowing yellow dress and blue high heels, Pinstripe jacket and suit pants, Photography by Tasha Rose, Utah couples photographerBountiful pond couples session, flowing yellow dress and blue high heels, Pinstripe jacket and suit pants, Photography by Tasha Rose, Utah couples photographerBountiful pond couples session, twirling yellow dress and blue high heels, Pinstripe jacket and suit pants, Photography by Tasha Rose, Utah couples photographerBountiful pond couples session, flowing yellow dress and blue high heels, Pinstripe jacket and suit pants, Photography by Tasha Rose, Utah couples photographerBountiful pond couples session, twirling yellow dress and blue high heels, Pinstripe jacket and suit pants, Photography by Tasha Rose, Utah couples photographerBountiful pond couples session, twirling yellow dress and blue high heels, Pinstripe jacket and suit pants, Photography by Tasha Rose, Utah couples photographerBountiful pond couples session, flowing yellow dress and blue high heels, Pinstripe jacket and suit pants, Photography by Tasha Rose, Utah couples photographerBountiful pond couples session, twirling yellow dress and blue high heels, Pinstripe jacket and suit pants, Photography by Tasha Rose, Utah couples photographerBountiful pond couples session, twirling yellow dress and blue high heels, Pinstripe jacket and suit pants, Photography by Tasha Rose, Utah couples photographerBountiful pond couples session, twirling yellow dress and blue high heels, Pinstripe jacket and suit pants, Photography by Tasha Rose, Utah couples photographerBountiful pond couples session, twirling yellow dress and blue high heels, Pinstripe jacket and suit pants, Photography by Tasha Rose, Utah couples photographerBountiful pond couples session, twirling yellow dress and blue high heels, Pinstripe jacket and suit pants, Photography by Tasha Rose, Utah couples photographerBountiful pond couples session, Gorgeous green tree and pond, twirling yellow dress and blue high heels, Pinstripe jacket and suit pants, Photography by Tasha Rose, Utah couples photographerBountiful pond couples session, flowing yellow dress and blue high heels, Pinstripe jacket and suit pants, Photography by Tasha Rose, Utah couples photographerBountiful pond couples session, twirling yellow dress and blue high heels, Pinstripe jacket and suit pants, Photography by Tasha Rose, Utah couples photographer

Bountiful pond couples session, twirling yellow dress and blue high heels, Pinstripe jacket and suit pants, Photography by Tasha Rose, Utah couples photographerBountiful pond couples session, twirling yellow dress and blue high heels, Pinstripe jacket and suit pants, Photography by Tasha Rose, Utah couples photographer, Gorgeous green tree and pondBountiful pond couples session, Gorgeous green tree and pond, twirling yellow dress and blue high heels, Pinstripe jacket and suit pants, Photography by Tasha Rose, Utah couples photographerBountiful pond couples session, Gorgeous green tree and pond, twirling yellow dress and blue high heels, Pinstripe jacket and suit pants, Photography by Tasha Rose, Utah couples photographerBountiful pond couples session, Gorgeous green tree and pond, twirling yellow dress and blue high heels, Pinstripe jacket and suit pants, Photography by Tasha Rose, Utah couples photographerI would LOVE to photograph your special moments! Please contact me to book your couples session! To view more of my work, follow me on Instagram.

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