Photos by Brittany:
I always love a good adventure session, and every moment with this couple has certainly been adventurous! I had the best time (and the muddiest!) with Makayla & Brayden out at the Bonneville Salt Flats for their engagement photos. They are such a fun, bubbly couple, and the neutral landscape of the salt flats really showcased their love for each other.
Makayla & Brayden went to high school together but they weren’t necessarily high school sweethearts. They became friends as sophomores and had quite a few classes together. The two of them went to school dances in the same group and went on the same band and choir trips. They were together a lot of their teenage years and even tried to date but the timing was never right.
Brayden knew he loved Makayla LONG before she figured it out! After high school, they both served missions and kept in touch via letters and email. When they both got home, they shared their first kiss. Somehow the timing was still not quite right for their relationship to really move forward. She moved across the country and came to visit her family around Christmas time. She called him up and they spent the evening together. Amazingly, it was like they had never been apart. They just picked up right where they left off. Brayden wasn’t even deterred when Makayla got sick all over his car! I mean ALL over! He was so kind and concerned and helped her clean up the mess and get the things she needed to take a shower. She was so embarrassed, but she fell hard for him that day. It wasn’t long before they both realized they couldn’t live without each other.
The wind was really crazy out at the salt flats during their engagement session! Makayla & Brayden were not deterred in the least. They were up for anything, including mud. We simply tied plastic bags around their feet to protect their shoes and away we went! We kept shooting until sunset when the wind died down and everything was calm and beautiful.
Congratulations, Makayla & Brayden! It’s easy to see that the two of you are perfect for each other. I can’t wait for your wedding day and our next adventure!
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