Provo Utah LDS
Wedding Photographer


April Engagements at Tunnel Springs and the Capitol || Salt Lake City, Utah

April 26, 2019





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I'm Tasha - your wedding photographer

We’re back at the Utah State Capitol for today’s engagement session because I just can’t get enough of these gorgeous cherry blossoms! Can you blame me??

Jacey & Tyler are both students at Utah State University in Logan. They became neighbors when Tyler moved into the apartment across the hall. Although it wasn’t necessarily love at first sight, they finally did catch each other’s eye, and they haven’t looked away since.

Their first date was an unconventional one. The girls in Jacey’s apartment and the boys in Tyler’s apartment decided to plan a big group activity in the nearby Bear Lake. They drove up for the day, participated in an escape room and finished off the “date” with some famous raspberry shakes (a MUST if you are ever in Bear Lake). The two groups kind of paired off to make the day more fun, and Tyler called “dibs” on Jacey. They can’t even remember who initiated their second date, but they’ve been together ever since.

The couple got engaged on a freezing day in February. Jacey really loves sunsets, so Tyler took her to watch one at their favorite spot in Logan. She tried to get him to cut the evening short because of the cold. Not to be deterred, he threw a towel onto the snow, knelt down and asked her to marry him. They probably didn’t feel as cold after that.

We decided on the capitol and Tunnel Springs Park as the location for their engagement session. Jacey loves Vans, so they wore matching shoes in the photos. She will also be wearing Vans on their wedding day.

Congratulations, Jacey & Tyler! I can’t wait to see you again in Logan for your wedding day!

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