Provo Utah LDS
Wedding Photographer


Anniversary Photoshoot In Bountiful, Utah | The Murdocks

March 26, 2021





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I'm Tasha - your wedding photographer

If you’ve been married for several years, then we have a quick question for you. How often do you and your husband get pictures taken of just the two of you? If you’re like most couples, then it probably isn’t very often. That’s why we love the idea of an anniversary photoshoot! And what about doing it at the same place you got married years before? That’s what the Murdocks did, and we love that they got to have their anniversary photoshoot in Bountiful, Utah!

Shanel and Nate Murdock were set up on a blind date and got along well right from the beginning. They got married in the Bountiful Temple on March 7th—23 years ago! They have beautiful pictures from their wedding, due to two feet of snow that fell the night before. But, they wanted to recreate some of their favorite photos. Since Shanel is also a photographer (always a compliment when a photographer books us for a photoshoot), the couple didn’t need much help posing. So Amelia just got to focus on capturing special moments between these two.

After getting all of the pictures they were hoping for at the Bountiful Temple, Amelia went with them to Eldredge Manor. This is where they had their wedding reception all those years ago, so they loved replicating some of their wedding pictures from there as well. We are so happy for the Murdocks who now have four kids and are still living in Utah. Happy 23 years to them!

pictures of married couple at bountiful temple in Utahphotoshoot at Bountiful Temple in UtahAnniversary photoshoot at Bountiful Temple in Utah

We would LOVE to photograph a special anniversary session for you and your spouse! Please contact Tasha to book your session—spots fill up fast. To view more of our work, follow us on Instagram.

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