I’m so excited to share today’s post! This past year has been an amazing one for me personally and especially in my business. Looking back over the past year and all of the experiences I’ve had makes me fall in love with photography all over again and the way it brings wonderful people into my life. So, on the last day of the year, I wanted to share some highlights from 2018:
- My goal back in January was to shoot 25 weddings this year. Since I was finishing up nursing school, that was no small feat. I ended up shooting 31 weddings in 2018. I’ve been so blessed to meet so many amazing couples and capture their love stories!
- I also set a goal to hire associate photographers this year. I am so excited to say that I accomplished that one too with Candace and Sophia joining my team!
- The past year brought a lot of travel. I took a trip to Alaska with my mom in May. I photographed couples in California, Arizona, Illinois, Colorado and Washington.
- In November I became an aunt to the cutest nephew! My sister and her husband welcomed the most adorable baby boy the world has ever seen! They are also moving to Utah soon so I can snuggle him even more often!
- December found me fulfilling my lifelong goal of becoming a nurse. I graduated from nursing school at the University of Utah.
Next year I hope to travel even more! I will be spending a week in Hawaii in January lounging on the beach while I study for the NCLEX. I hope 2019 finds me working as a nurse as well as a wedding photographer. I can’t think of anything better, honestly.
Thank you to all of my friends and family for supporting and encouraging me! And thank you to my clients for allowing me to be a part of your lives. Enjoy my favorites from 2018! Cheers to the new year!
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