Provo Utah LDS
Wedding Photographer


Utah Spring Engagement Photos at Antelope Island | The Kovac’s

April 18, 2022





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Meet the adventurous couple that fell in love axe throwing. Scroll through these amazing photos of their engagement session at Antelope Island taken by one of Tasha’s talented associates, Ashley.

Meet Lauren and Mason, the future Kovac’s! Tonight’s engagement session took place at Antelope Island. Antelope Island is an amazing location for any photo session. If you’re looking for the perfect photo location in Utah that gives off lake and island vibes, Antelope Island is your place. This beautiful 28,000-acre island is always a good go-to for engagement photos, tonight was no exception.

Lauren and Mason met on the famous app Mutual. Mason drove two hours for their first date and they went axe throwing. He then fulfilled one of Lauren’s lifelong dreams and took her shooting. The day after they became “official”, they hopped on a plane and flew to Maui. They spent time on the beach, whale watching, and eating incredible food.

They both share an intense love for JDawgs. I don’t want to give anything away, but let’s just say there will be J-Sauce at their wedding. This Antelope Island engagement photo session was so much fun. I loved seeing the connection between Lauren and Mason, it was so natural and real. Lauren says it best:

“I’m a pretty oblivious person and Mason seems to always be there to pull me out of the way of a trailer hitch to save my shins, steady me as I fall up the stairs, or laugh when I flip the bowl of whipped cream all over the counter. I can’t wait to see him fill the roles of father and husband, because he is already crushing the role of being my person.” -Lauren

Antelope Island Engagement SessionAntelope Island Engagement SessionAntelope Island Engagement PhotosUtah engagement photosAntelope Island Engagement SessionAntelope Island Engagement SessionAntelope Island Engagement PhotosAntelope Island Engagement PhotosUtah engagement photosAntelope Island Engagement PhotosAntelope Island Engagement PhotosUtah engagement photosAntelope Island Engagement PhotosUtah engagement photos

We would LOVE to photograph your engagement session! Please contact us to book your session—spots fill up fast. To view more of our work, follow us on Instagram.

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